Process profiler

A simple process profiler. propro can be used in many different ways. Conviniently in can be used on the command line:

$ propro --fmt=png <command>

for more options call:

$ propro --help

Another option is to call the profiling programatically

import propro
x = propro.profile_cmd("ufig --background-type=chunked_map ufig.config.random")

The returned profiling result can than for instance be used for custom plotting.

propro offers the option to profile a single Python function using a decorator

import propro
import numpy as np

@propro.profile(sample_rate=0.1, fmt="txt")
def mem_hungry(size):
    a = []
    for i in range(size):

    b = []
    for i in range(size):
        t = []
        for j in range(size):
            t.append(i * a[j])

    b = np.array(b)

The profiling output is stored in the folder where the Python code was launched.

Finally, propro can be embedded in your IPython notebooks. Load the extentsion with

import propro

%load_ext propro

The profiling can be done on line level

%propro -r 0.1 load_pixels(path, PIXEL_COUNT)

or on cell level

%%propro -r 0.1
X = np.random.normal(size=(200,200,1000))
P, D, Q = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
X_a =, np.diag(D)), Q)
print(np.std(X), np.std(X_a), np.std(X - X_a))

The output will look something like this if rendered into an image:

Profiling output from propro


If you have any suggestions or questions about Process profiler feel free to email me at

If you encounter any errors or problems with Process profiler, please let me know!